Doggy Bag?

Just a quick one from me this week. As those of you that follow #WatfordsGreenGrandpa and I, on social media, will know we are currently enjoying time away in Cumbria, with our golden retriever Honey.

To say Green Grandpa was not completely behind my idea about living a greener, more eco lifestyle, is putting it mildly. When I said we’d be having 2 meet free days a week, his response was that I could do whatever I liked but there was no way he was going without his meat!  I swear for the next few days he seemed to buy, and eat, more pork pies, sausages and other meaty snacks, than before, as if in pure defiance. He rolled his eyes each time I mentioned a new eco product I was buying, I think I might have talked his ear off to be fair. I do tend to get a bit carried away with things.

Anyway I didn’t mention meat free days again for a while. I just subtly cooked vegetarian meals without telling him. The first one I slipped in was Quorn meatballs and spaghetti. We sat at the dinning table, chatting away about our days and he didn’t mention the meal at all, he ate every bit. A few days later I made a butternut squash curry with homemade roti. He was so impressed I’d made the roti that we talked all the way through the meal about how I’d made them. It wasn’t until later he asked if dinner had contained any meat. I confessed that it hadn’t and told him about the “meatballs”. He grudgingly conceded that he’d enjoyed each meal and hadn’t missed the meat. We made a deal that from then on I could make whatever I wanted, he’d try it and if he didn’t like it he’d go down the fish and chip shop for supper.  So far he’s not needed to go.

And to be fair, he now seems to be onboard with the whole eco thing as much as me, as long as I don’t talk about it too much 😂

On Saturday we went to a lovely little cafe in Pooley Bridge. Honey was as good as gold laying under the table. The long walk we had just been on had worn her out.  Anyway I ordered a cream tea, and Green Grandpa ordered the chicken club sandwich, as he said he was more hungry than just a piece of cake. When the “sandwich” came, it was huge buns, rather than bread, making up the 3 tiered mountain. I’ve never seen anything like it.

It was way too big and it defeated him. Funnily enough Green Grandpa managed to eat the “sandwich” part but left the salad (its just like having a child, eating the meaty/carby part and leaving the veg!). In my very best, disapproving Grandma looking over her glasses tone, I opened my mouth to tell him off for wasting it, but he had already caught the waiters eye and asked for a doggy bag. My heart soared. Green Grandpa was actively being green! I was so impressed.

Half a minute later our young, blue haired, slightly flustered looking, waiter, arrived at our table with a dogs poo bag, some blue roll, the same shade as his hair, and cleaning spray. After a moment or two of confusion, we worked out the he’d thought our girl had had an accident in the cafe! 😱

We had to explain the the lad that by “doggy bag” we meant a takeaway tub or bag to take the leftover home in. “Why didn’t you just say that?” Was the curt reply. I thought we had. Do other people not call it a doggy bag too? Is it an age thing that made the confusion or a north/south divide thing which meant it got lost in translation? Please let me know.

Green grandpa earned himself brownie points again the next day. It was our Anniversary and he made us a picnic of beef and salad sandwiches, Yep you’ve guessed it, he used the salad from the cafe (which I’m pleased to report found it’s way home in a neat cardboard box, not a plastic poo bag).

The sandwiches were delicious. We ate them in a walled garden in Monk Coniston overlooking Coniston Lake. It was beautiful.

Right I’d better log off now and spend some time with Green Grandpa, while we’re away, before he gets the hump. He may be a long haired, daft, deaf,  old watsit, but the old boys done good this week.

Chat to you next week when we are home  🍂


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